Friday, November 22, 2013

MapQuest Driving Directions Classic Original App

Did you know MapQuest has an App?
Well they do and now you no longer have an excuse for being late.
The MapQuest app for Android has 5 million+ downloads,
With a remarkable 4.3 out of 5 for user satisfaction.
And guess how much it will set you back?
Zero, zip, zilch, nada. It is Free.

Unlike some other app's, MapQuest does not currently require you to grant permissions for MapQuest to access all of your "accounts" on your device. Thereby possibly maintaining your privacy and security at a higher level than the apps that require access to your accounts.

Here is a screenshot showing the 4.3 rating and 5,000,000+ downloads.

What happens when you tell MapQuest classic driving directions to find a bar or a "B"?

On rural highways between towns are restaurants that the owners painstakingly thought long and hard about what to call their restaurant, and they came up with the perfect name,
Then several hollers down the road is the competitors restaurant named,
In today's photo this owner has followed the same rural recipe by naming his drinking establishment, "BAR".
But the "A" and the "R" have malfunctioned and  apparently no longer require illumination.
Which makes for a better alliteration.
Instead of let's go get a beer and burger at the bar.
Hay, let's go get a "B n B at the B".

Thursday, November 21, 2013

● It is certain
● It is decidedly so
● Without a doubt
● Yes definitely
● You may rely on it
● As I see it yes
● Most likely
● Outlook good
● Yes
● Signs point to yes.

Do you recognize these sayings?
They are the ten positive answers from the Magic 8 Ball.
At home I could not find the good scissors, and as you know MapQuest driving directions also has MapQuest walking directions.
So I asked the magic 8 Ball if MapQuest could help me find the good scissors using MapQuest Walking Directions and I got all 10 positive answers from the magic 8 Ball, assuring me the good sscissors would be relegated to giving ip their elusive hiding spot.

Next I got out the Ouija board and asked the same question, after diming the lights and putting on some erie music the little finger thingy moved to YES.

Now I was sure MapQuest walking directions could find the good scissors or maybe even find the bad scissors.
So I entered the query into MapQuest Walking Directions.  I then went to the couch, sat down on a blanket and clicked enter.
Then I stood up to commandeer the blanket to cover myself as I was cold. As I stood and moved the blanket goose bumps appeared as I gasped at the sight of the good scissors lying on the couch cushion hidden from view under the blanket.
Or MapQuest magic?

Bushes come in all shapes and sizes just like people.  Often we have to weather a storm.
What are these bushes thinking?
A. Omg.
B. Wtf.
C. I could use a drink of water.
D. I could use a shower.
E. I'm tired, sorry I meant bushed.
F. I'm whacked.
G. Where's George?
 H. Great, I'll bet the cable tv goes out again, and A&E has a special on hot shrubs.