Thursday, April 30, 2015

*DriViNg DiReCtiOnS* --->Everyone now has driving directions and maps.

YaHoo, BinG, GooGLe, and MapQuest, yes MapQuest.
Out of all the popular websites with free Driving Directions and Maps only one of them does this as their main bread and butter?
Yahoo, nope.
Bing, nope.
Google, nope.
Amazon, nope.
Facebook, nope.
Twitter, nope.
 Uhm... Alex, I'll take Driving Directions and Maps for a thousand.
And the answer is:
"Who exclusively has the best absolutely free driving directions and maps since 1999 ?"
Alex, "What is MapQuest".

Now hum the Final Jeopardy theme song in your head, or sing it out loud, we bet you can't remember all of the lyrics or words to it.