Friday, July 17, 2015

Does MapQuest have
*DriViNg DiReCtiOnS*  ¿¿¿
(Driving Directions)
No they don't have gOOfy driving directions.
MapQuest is never napping or yapping,, when they're mapping.
Or diligently doling delightful detailed driving directions & MaPs.

If you were to tell someone to;
YaHoo it, BinG it, GooGLe it, DuckDuckGo it or MapQuest it,
 Yes MapQuest it.
They would know what you were talking about.
These are now common terms of the English language similar to the terms or words Kleenex, Band Aid, Frisbee, Q tips, Post it note, Scotch tape, Dixie cups, or Rollerblades.
So dont drive around like a robot who thinks it doesn't need driving directions, use good ole reliable MapQuest.

The way a lot of people drive, we wish we could transform into one of these.