Sunday, September 6, 2020


 We’re not going to caterwaul or bawl about fall because it may raise our 


Sorry but we hate FALL, Y’all 

Why?  Because it means summer is over, and summer is always too short. 

Right after fall comes winter, the only time we like winter is during Christmas 

And New Years.

But we’re going to promote Fall just because it’s a good time to travel. 

And when we travel guess what website we visit.


It’s a Good time to go see those dreaded leaves die, oops did we say that Out Loud? 

What we meant to say was it’s a good time to go and watch the “COLOURS”.

We prefer the vibrant colours of an action adventure movie on a 84” to 105” flat screen tv with Dolby 7.2 

surround sound.

The great outdoors are also great, nice campfire, stars, relaxation,  ahhhh....yessss...

We took a pic of these several years ago and posted it, the paint could use some freshness.