Tuesday, June 27, 2017

 Asbestos aka "As Best Toes" is no joke but did y'all here this joke;

We were out driving one day and we were using the best directions and maps which happen to be supplied for free by Mapquest when all of a sudden we saw a Buffalo and the Buffalo crossed the road.

Why did the Buffalo cross the road?
(Like the old joke "Why did the chicken cross the road"?)

Because there was a Buffalo Wild Wings on the other side of the road, so the Buffalo went in and had some Buffalo Wild Wings and said "Hey! these taste like me"
Waa waa waa.

Now getting back to the word we made up "As Best Toe's" aka Asbestos which is a word y'all know if you are a person who watches late night TV, because the Asbestos Mesothelioma Law firms are all over this chronic illness. Apperantly it doesn't matter if you have the best health insurance or doctor's on the planet, once you're diagnosed with Asbestos lung cancer called asbestosis also referred to as Mesothelioma (that's a catagory-4 tongue twister) you're pretty much left with only three options and that includes finding a lawyer, after you've went through the insurance claims and the health care system options.

The reason we bring up Asbestos and Mesothelioma is because we personally might have to deal with it some day because we used to work at a metal recycling plant that shredded autos that contain Asbestos, and they frequently broke the rules for clean air established by OSHA.

Enough about Doctors Lawyers and lawsuits lets dwell on something positive today like uhhh..

Winning the Lottery!!!

Many people who win the lottery don't know what to do after winning it, some will continue to work at their mundane jobs.
Here's some advice to those who win the lottery and are dumbfounded about it all and continue to work:
Give me the Darn $$ money, I know exactly what to do with it and my life style!!

We will never know who is going to be the lucky one who wins the Lottery but at least we always know one thing is for sure and that is that you can always rely on good ole'
Mapquest for the best free Maps and Driving Directions.

Now lets have 4 pictures that all revolve around Beauty

                                     Classic Pick Up Truck

                           Nice View From the End Of A Pier

                                          Beautiful Sunset

Sailboat Returning Safely To Harbor