Thursday, December 12, 2013

classic MapQuest classic

Sometimes something ugly can look beautiful. And vice versa.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Original MapQuest Directions

Being lost in a metropolitan area is a bite, you could get jacked, hacked,  or whacked.
And the scenery is usually blightful and frightful.
But if you are misguided in the country it's a whole different scenario of scenery.

So always use and abuse MapQuest.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

classic MapQuest is a Classic

No, we don't have a thing for this stop sign, and we did not locate it using MapQuest or classic MapQuest.
We just like shooting stop signs, with a camera not a gun.
We would however like to see all stop signs abolished and roundabouts installed everywhere. My dining room is in the middle of the house in a high traffic area so I installed aroundabout around the dining room table.

Monday, December 9, 2013

classic MapQuest classic

No this is not a picture of an Nfl team, it's not narcissistic, arrogant, or cousin It haired.
Its just a showboating, showboat.