Saturday, February 1, 2014

MapQuest Classic

Did you know MapQuest can locate good hotels?
Well they can, and you should utilize the feature, or this could end up being your private room with a view.


Sometimes things get lost, and sometimes people get lost. The people who use MapQuest generally don't get lost because they know where they are going.

In this photo below it was a thing that got lost and it was obviously the plumb line or level.

Friday, January 31, 2014

MapQuest , & MapQuest Classic are here with the breaking news, ok maybe its not breaking news maybe its just broken news.

Fyi we're not MapQuest nor are we affiliated with the best map and driving directions service, but we are the #1 MapQuest fan site.

It has been pack dog cold round here lately,

And here's proof, this cars outside temperature guage says that it is


The little tower in the middle far off on the horizon is a light house.
The actual temp is minus one degrees farenheit, but -IF keeps you from putting your tongue on any nearby metal poles.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Spelled backwards is,
MapQuest spelled incorrectly is
Yet when you spell it wrong it is still pronounced correctly, even more so.

We are surprized that MapQuest didnt mispell their name purposefully like Google misspelled the word goggle, so that they were unique and not using an English language word.
When it comes to names Twitter is the most unique, but they used the term "tweets" which is not something unique to them. They should have mispelled it "tweats", then they would have the rights to the term, but does it really matter when people are tweeting 200 Million tweets a day!
If you sleep 6 hours a day you can tweet 55.555555555 times in one hour. You are limited to a total of 1000 tweets a day.

Unless you're a teenage girl what could you possibly say 1000 times a day, and if you are doing so then please stop.