Friday, April 25, 2014

Flown in fresh today on a drone dirigible (Zeppelin, no Led) is today's historic post.

The reason it is a historic post is not because it's a great post, its a historic post because it is a history of the MapQuest® logo.

The original MapQuest® logo to the best of our knowledge is the red worded MapQuest®  

pictured below, and accredited to Wikipedia ( ).

We don't know what the font is called but it looks stone age or Flintstonian. (I think we just made up a new word in the English language, "Flintstonian"- definition - of or pertaining to the Flintstones.)

The other three green logos are the current logos that MapQuest utilizes today.

For a full blown history of the logo go to this link, which is at a site called "Logopedia".

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Trying once again to post a video, we have not had any luck in the past but this time we will see it through to fruition.
If it works, that is posting a video, today's videos have to deal with the wind.
As in a flag blowin in the wind a helicopter blades making wind and fans of MapQuest® (who are not windy at all) the best place ever to get driving directions and or maps.

We are having troubles posting things today so this is a test post.

So here is one of our favorite all-time lighthouse pictures followed by some ODD


Remember this is only a test, no emergency action is required, if this were not a test you would be required to utilize the best maps and driving

directions on the web which of course is MapQuest®.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Driving Directions Classic MapQuest® Original MapQuest® Old MapQuest®

Some people have a clown phobia, this picture below gives us a rabbit phobia.

Not soft little furry bunny rabbits, but these eight foot tall jack rabbits are quite the imposing figures, and resemble bad dreams and or nightmares.

If you MapQuest Saginaw Michigan and go there you might want to bring some rabbit food or repellent.