Sunday, April 27, 2014

Driving Directions Classic MapQuest® Original MapQuest® Old MapQuest®

BOO! Scary tree almost looks alive, if you were out in the woods at twilight and heard some mysterious bumps in the night, then you saw this tree, you might take fright to take flight.

So why not contrast and complement with another super lighthouse pic.

he Zoo is a very colorful place.

While walking by one particular exhibit we overheard a small kid exclaim to their parents, "wow, mom & dad, look at the cantaloupe's"!

Then another kid while looking at the Ant-eaters called the Ant-eaters funny looking elephants, because of the Ant-eaters long snout that resembles an elephants trunk.

Friday, April 25, 2014

All in all you're just another brick in the wall--Pink Floyd.

Just imagine how much brick, mortar, brick layers, cement, man hours, and gross weight it took to build this Cathedral and adjoining structure.

An architect or construction engineer could figure it out, but not us, all we know is that MapQuest® is as reliable and solid as a brick excrement house.

Flown in fresh today on a drone dirigible (Zeppelin, no Led) is today's historic post.

The reason it is a historic post is not because it's a great post, its a historic post because it is a history of the MapQuest® logo.

The original MapQuest® logo to the best of our knowledge is the red worded MapQuest®  

pictured below, and accredited to Wikipedia ( ).

We don't know what the font is called but it looks stone age or Flintstonian. (I think we just made up a new word in the English language, "Flintstonian"- definition - of or pertaining to the Flintstones.)

The other three green logos are the current logos that MapQuest utilizes today.

For a full blown history of the logo go to this link, which is at a site called "Logopedia".