Friday, July 17, 2015

Does MapQuest have
*DriViNg DiReCtiOnS*  ¿¿¿
(Driving Directions)
No they don't have gOOfy driving directions.
MapQuest is never napping or yapping,, when they're mapping.
Or diligently doling delightful detailed driving directions & MaPs.

If you were to tell someone to;
YaHoo it, BinG it, GooGLe it, DuckDuckGo it or MapQuest it,
 Yes MapQuest it.
They would know what you were talking about.
These are now common terms of the English language similar to the terms or words Kleenex, Band Aid, Frisbee, Q tips, Post it note, Scotch tape, Dixie cups, or Rollerblades.
So dont drive around like a robot who thinks it doesn't need driving directions, use good ole reliable MapQuest.

The way a lot of people drive, we wish we could transform into one of these.

Sunday, June 28, 2015


When you're using MapQuest be it classic or original or driving or directions or maps,
You will be using a type of transportation.

Even if you're walking that's a type of transportation, and MapQuest has walking directions, we've never used their walking directions but someday we will try it out and give a fully detailed report.

We have seen some odd modes of transportation, and we have some great driving directions pictures of these today, just like every day.
The first is an all time classic. Its truly an original.
Here is an Amish buggy parked at  a public park and the horse is tied up nearby to a pole. In the Amish buggy is a red 5 gallon jerry can of gasoline???
Maybe these Amish are competing with AAA and providing road side assistance to motorists, out of gas, towing, driving directions, flat tire, buggy rides.
The Amish rarely need driving directions, why you say?
Because their horses already know the way.

A vehicle that has been morphed together
Aka Frankensteined, from other vechicles are amusing like this hybrid semi truck/pickup truck.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

MapQuest Driving Directions Maps Classic Original
We have never been steered or cow'd wrong by MapQuest, and we steak our reputation on it. Be it driving directions, and/or Maps, Classic or Original.

When you need driving directions or maps?
The question is when?
 Because when is very important.
When you need driving directions or maps we can guarantee you that reliable MapQuest Driving Directions and Maps will be up and running, operational, ready Freddy, lets go hit the highway, lets rock N Roll!
With summer vacations here now is the important time for using beloved MapQuest.
You don't want to waste a second of your well deserved priceless vacation time lost or looking for stuff.
So we advise to be wise n plan n plot your routes in advance.

Happy Fourth of July, & Labor Day and be careful with your fireworks.
Have a blast, but don't get banged up or blasted.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

*DriViNg DiReCtiOnS* --->Everyone now has driving directions and maps.

YaHoo, BinG, GooGLe, and MapQuest, yes MapQuest.
Out of all the popular websites with free Driving Directions and Maps only one of them does this as their main bread and butter?
Yahoo, nope.
Bing, nope.
Google, nope.
Amazon, nope.
Facebook, nope.
Twitter, nope.
 Uhm... Alex, I'll take Driving Directions and Maps for a thousand.
And the answer is:
"Who exclusively has the best absolutely free driving directions and maps since 1999 ?"
Alex, "What is MapQuest".

Now hum the Final Jeopardy theme song in your head, or sing it out loud, we bet you can't remember all of the lyrics or words to it.