Sunday, January 12, 2014

MapQuest Classic

This bridge looks odd from any distance.
Far, closer, close up.
It is a modern bridge, will it have the longevity that older bridges have?
The Brooklyn bridge in New York was built in 1883.
Will these modern bridges be here in 130 years?

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Classic MapQuest Driving Directions

The fourth farmers families faiths favored flavored flavourful flavors of flamboyantly flamboyant frankly flanked Frankish franks.

If you can follow the tongue twister you can easily follow mapquest driving directions. While eating crackers.


This is MapQuest serenity.

Friday, January 3, 2014

MapQuest Walking Directions

We never would have thought that we would need to use walking directions, wow were we wrong.
We had too walk downtown from one location to another and it was imperative that the shortest route possible be utilized due to our shoes nicknamed, “ Mr. blister toe twister, corn n' bunyan lister".