Monday, February 3, 2014

MapQuest original

The farmers we know are hard working, intelligent, patriotic, entrepreneurs.

They are the diametrically opposite of the yokle redneck country bumpkin.

There should be a national day of honor that recognizes the farmer.

Saturday, February 1, 2014


The owner of this property does not have to worry about anyone being disrespectful of their sign, well at least not until the spring thaw.

MapQuest Classic

Did you know MapQuest can locate good hotels?
Well they can, and you should utilize the feature, or this could end up being your private room with a view.


Sometimes things get lost, and sometimes people get lost. The people who use MapQuest generally don't get lost because they know where they are going.

In this photo below it was a thing that got lost and it was obviously the plumb line or level.