Thursday, April 30, 2015

*DriViNg DiReCtiOnS* --->Everyone now has driving directions and maps.

YaHoo, BinG, GooGLe, and MapQuest, yes MapQuest.
Out of all the popular websites with free Driving Directions and Maps only one of them does this as their main bread and butter?
Yahoo, nope.
Bing, nope.
Google, nope.
Amazon, nope.
Facebook, nope.
Twitter, nope.
 Uhm... Alex, I'll take Driving Directions and Maps for a thousand.
And the answer is:
"Who exclusively has the best absolutely free driving directions and maps since 1999 ?"
Alex, "What is MapQuest".

Now hum the Final Jeopardy theme song in your head, or sing it out loud, we bet you can't remember all of the lyrics or words to it.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

~~MapQuest Driving Directions~~

For getting driving directions, and we mean "to get, or obtain driving directions" we don't mean, if you have a --->"Poor memory", as in 'forgetting' driving directions. Here is the simple easy process.

So for you or someone else to get the best driving directions (yo dat B MapQuest), You go online to your favorite web browser or search engine such as, Bing, Yahoo, Google, or DuckDuckGo and all you really have to do is start typing the word "MapQuest" and before you can finish typing the word 'MapQuest,' you will get results from auto complete word suggestions, which we are pretty sure will be the famous beloved "MapQuest".

So then all you have to do is click or  touch the word MapQuest. Which will enter the word in your search engine then hit enter (you don't have to actually hit, punch, or boom the enter key) and this will take you to the wild wonderful website of MapQuest that has been free since day numero uno.

No registration required.

No email required.

No virus ever acquired.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

DRIVING me CRAZY, DRIVING me NUTS, DRIVING DIRECTIONS--->MapQuest Classic and or MapQuest Original.

Oh, we neglected driving me insane, driving me bonkers, driving me batty, driving me daffy, driving me cuckoo, driving me freakin, driving me local, driving me mad, driving me nutty, driving me royally, driving me single handedly, driving me totally, driving me to drink, driving me to the limit, driving me to the moon, driving me  Looney, driving me to the edge, driving me to the brink, driving me miss Daisy.

And of course were going to make up our own: driving me skittles, driving me red line, driving me dead, driving me to black hole implode, driving me sanitarium, driving me alpha, driving me to tweet, driving me to post, driving me to unfriend you, driving me to unfollow you, driving me to pay taxes, driving me to hit the chicken crossing the road.
Enough already.
You're driving me to home sweet home? Yep.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

And in the Snow!!! We're not talking about a Hottie Female with great curves and seductive lines we're talking about a RagTop  classic convertible with great curves and seductive lines and in the Sn0w.

So who drives a classic convertible with the top down in the snow? Some one that's either real cool (literally) or real cuckoo in the brain.
We think in this case that the classic sweet ride was in the restoration process and was briefly parked outside for the paint to cure? Or to make room inside the shop.
Any which way, here is a picture of a classic auto with the topfoff or down and outside in the snow, quite a rarity.