Sunday, December 29, 2013


The leaning tower of Pizza (yes Pizza) looks straight compared to this grain silo.

But of you look at everything else, its all off kilter, nothing is perpendicular to the ground. How could this happen?
A regular cell phone camera was used for the photo with no special effects or un special effects, or lenses.

Here's the secret, shhhh...
The photo was taken from a vehicle traveling at about 55 mph. Which makes visible objects in the photo skew or bend.

Does this phenomena have similarities to the Doppler effect and sound.
Many older sirens on vehicles when sitting still had a steady pitch after acquiring volume/speed, but as the vechile approached you the sound of the siren went from a lower note up in pitch to a higher note then back to the lower note as the siren moved away from you. But the whole time the pitch or note emanating from the siren did not change.
What you heard was known as the Doppler effect. Named after scientist/mathematician Christian Doppler.

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